Alauda Command Line




pip install alauda


alaudaalauda -h:

bash-3.2# alauda
usage: alauda [-h] [-v] {login,logout,service,compose,backup,organization} ...

Alauda CLI

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Alauda CLI commands:
    login               Alauda login
    logout              Log out
    service             Service operations
    compose             Compose multi-container app
    backup              Backup operations
    organization        Organization operations

使用 -v 来查看当前 alauda CLI的版本:

bash-3.2# alauda -v
alauda 0.1.0


  • -e[] 表示可以志明多次 比如-e DB_NAME=mysql -e DB_PASSOWRD=123
  • -d="" 表示值是字符串 例如-d ""
  • -s=[XS,S,M,L,XL] 表示必须是给定的值之一 例如: -s XL
  • -t=1 表示所给定的值必须为数字 例如: -t 1
  • -a=false 表示不显示输出此参数的情况下,参数的值为false即无效状态,如果显示的列出该参数 -a,则表明该参数的值为true,即有效状态。



bash-3.2# alauda service create -h
usage: alauda service create [-h] [-t TARGET_NUM_INSTANCES] [-s {XS,S,M,L,XL}]
                             [-r RUN_COMMAND] [-e ENV] [-l LINK] [-p PUBLISH]
                             [-v VOLUME] [-n NAMESPACE] [-a]
                             [-f AUTOSCALING_CONFIG] [-d DOMAIN]
                             name image

Create a new service

positional arguments:
  name                  Service name
  image                 Docker image used by the service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -t, --target-num-instances=1          Target number of instances for the service
  -s, --instance-size={XS,S,M,L,XL}     Service container size
  -r, --run-command=""                  The command used to start the service containers
  -e, --env=[]                          Environment variables, e.g. VAR=value
  -l, --link=[]                         which service to link.
  -p, --publish=[]                      Ports to publish, e.g. 5000/tcp
  -ex, --expose=[]                      Internal ports, e.g. 5000
  -v, --volume=[]                       Volumes, e.g. /var/lib/mysql:10
  -n, --namespace=""                    Service namespace
  -a, --autoscale=false                 Enable auto-scaling
  -f, --autoscaling-config=""           Auto-scaling config file name
  -d, --domain=""                       Custom domain name